Sex With My Elder Sister Part – 1

My elder sister Pooja (name changed), 26 of age, was oddly attractive and fair complexioned. I addressed her: Didi. She had been a bright student right from the beginning and had taken up computer education courses after graduation. After a few years, she had started teaching at the computer education center. Didi was very shy and what most would call ‘bookworm’. She wore glass dressed very conservatively, a behenji type. She has pretty eyes and…well, I guess that’s it. She seemed more focused on her education than her social life.

I guess that’s why she was excelling, and I wasn’t. She could not get married as she was manglik by astrological considerations. It had became very difficult to find a suitable manglik partner for her. Moreover, other criterions were also there that had spoiled the negotiations with various proposals that had come. Recently, through one of our relations we were able to find a manglik boy and Panditji said it would be a good match. Our parents seemed to like it too, but my elder sister seemed reluctant. The groom promised to help her continue her studies and thereafter the job too. Although, didi seemed unsure of herself, gave her nod.

Me, a 20 year old, on the other hand, wasn’t doing so well in studies. I really resented the fact that the same was so easy for her. Because of our sibling rivalry, I never thought it right asking her assistance in studies. But, a few days back one of class fellow challenged me for a computer test. Taking it headlong, I decided to rise above and take Didi’s help to teach me computers. As far as the our rivalry was considered I thought she was my sister, an insider, with whom I could do some attitude adjustment in order to beat an outsider.

I was pretty cordial to her for a few days, then I asked her. She laughed at first. ‘You really expect me to spend time helping you out with this? After all those comments I’ve taken from you about how ’smart’ I am and how ‘boring’ I am, and how I ‘have no life’? Now you want my help? OK. But we’ll have to make some kind of a deal.’

‘Anything, Didi! You name it! Let me know and it’s yours. I promise!’

We worked out a schedule for when we could prep for the test. Then I kissed her on the forehead before I went off to work. She blushed and shooed me away, embarrassed. She looked really cute just then; it was a shame that she didn’t really seem interested in guys. She was very awkward and self-conscious around guys. Our first tutoring session went well. It was tough for me but Didi was a good teacher; patient and thorough.

‘So, Mohit; about that ‘deal’…I think I might know what I want you to do…but I have a few questions first.’

‘Ask me.’

‘You said you’d do anything, right? OK. What I was thinking…’ Her voice dropped down to almost a whisper. ‘I was…You know I am very much afraid of marriage. My friends have told me it is very painful on the first night. I don’t know that frog with whom my marriage has been fixed. I don’t mind him touching my naked body. But to do it… first time…I want somebody, whom I am close to, help me find it out what it is. I think who could be a better male than you. Although, ashamed to say but I am clear in my mind: I want you to teach me sex. I don’t care for that virginity issue.’

‘Oh…well…um, OK,’ I said, trying to act very mature. I looked utterly confused.

She continued calmly looking straight in my eyes, ‘And Mohit, I don’t want to talk to you about it. I want to … do things…I’ve read all about sex… I guess you’ve been right when you’ve said that I am that behnji type… no life…I thought you could show me what it’s like.’ Didi looked shyly and spoke haltingly. This was difficult for her. ‘I mean…I’d like to find out what it’s like with you…my brother, before finding out…you know, with someone I hardly know…And, don’t tell me you never had sex. I have seen you and Vrinda Aunt playing comedies all night at Titoo’s marriage.’

I said lightly…’Look, Didi…I can understand your curiosity if you’ve never had any…experience before. But for us to…We can’t, Didi! It’s not right.’ Her eyes had grown indignantly, slightly shinning with tears as she listened. She interrupted again. ‘Mohit, you said anything. Anything! This is what I want! I thought about this long and hard! We made a deal. And you promised.’

She paused. ‘Things. You know. What a husband does with his wife on the first night; what she does to him…I know what happens; I just want to know what it’s like… ‘

‘Kissing? Rubbing? These things?’ I offered. Keep it simple…

‘Yes! C’mon, Mohit, you know what I’m talking about. What is the first thing you try with a girl when you’re…messing around?’ Her voice had steadily risen over the last few minutes; I motioned her to quiet down. It was pretty late and our parents were asleep a floor away, but to get caught discussing such things…

‘My Gawd, Didi…I guess it would be feeling her breasts. Yeah.’ I simply could not believe it, but I had a semi-erection and it was growing by the second. I shifted on her bed, trying to accommodate it; hoping Didi wouldn’t notice. Then, in what seemed to me like slow motion, she took her glass off, reached over to her nightstand and flicked the 3-way light to it’s dimmest and started unbuttoning her blouse. I couldn’t believe my eyes. ‘Didi…hey bhagwan…I’m…’ The sight of her tight breasts in her bra stopped me short.

I had never ever seen her in anything even close to revealing…but they were fantastic. I guessed 36 inches. As my eyes drank them in a combination of shame and excitement, she reached behind her back to undo her bra strap. They were fantastic. Perhaps the most beautiful breasts I had ever seen up close and in person; their nipples hard and a vibrant pink. She took a deep breath and said, ‘Now show me. Show me what you do.’ I knew she was looking at me, and I tried to look up at her fa
ce, but…they were magnificent. I realized that yes, I wanted to touch it, very badly…My cock was completely hard and throbbing.

I gently took one breast in my hand. I could hear her breathing now. My fingertips instinctively went for her large, hard nipple and started lightly pinching it. Didi gave a little gasp and closed her eyes. I slid over a bit closer to her and continued my stroking, pinching, massaging. I bent over and put my mouth over the nipple. I bit its tip gently between my teeth. I sucked on it lightly and kissed all around it. She had put her hand on the back of my head, cradling it to her mamme. Didi was breathing heavily as I suckled her tit.

After a few more minutes of this, she whispered, ‘Then what, Mohit? Hhhhhhh…Then what do you do?’ While still sucking her titties, I reached down and slid my hand up her inner thigh towards her crotch, not really thinking clearly anymore. But suddenly, Didi stopped me…Didi unfastened her nara, kicked her salwar off. She stripped to her white cotton panties. I was in shock: she was a beautiful young woman; slender hips, tight, lean legs, those wonderful tits…’Then what? Go ahead…’ she said, closing her eyes. I looked down into the crotch of her underwear. The little mound was so pretty; so perfect. Her inner thighs were creamy and smooth, inviting…my hand somehow found its way onto her upper thigh. It felt like velvet in my hand.

Didi widening the gap between her knees considerably as my hand slipped up towards her pussy. I touched the center of the crotch of her panties with the tips of my fingers. I could feel her pussy lips through the thin fabric. Didi’s mouth opened and she took a few harsh breaths. Her started rubbing her pussy over her panty. My lund felt about to explode as I brought her almost naked body to climax. Her hips started to gyrate as I rubbed through her panties at her hardened knob…Goosebumps covered her arms and legs.

She arched her back suddenly and grabbed a tit in each hand, squeezing them roughly…and came. She bit her lower lip as her orgasm ripped through her; her hips bucked up and down wildly as I strained to keep my hand in her crotch. I wanted to finish her off completely. After about 30 seconds, she lay still, her breathing coming back to normal. ‘God, Mohit….That was wonderful…’ She bent forward and slid her panty down and lay back on her pillows and closed her eyes.

To be continued…