Category: English Sex Stories

Collection of English sex stories. Best English sex stories collection for horny dicks and cum leaking pussies

Cousin Sister Lesbian sex

Hi I am Shama from Karnataka this is my first story here. This is a true lesbian sex experience with… read more Cousin Sister Lesbian sex

indian sex stories sister fuck
Posted in English Sex Stories

Sex With My Younger Sister

I m 20 years old and my family consists of my father, mother, my elder sister, me and my younger… read more Sex With My Younger Sister

Posted in English Sex Stories

Blowjob by English Professor

34 years of age wheatish in color with a slightly heavy body with beautiful boobs and ass, a divorcee with… read more Blowjob by English Professor

desi girl in car boobs
Posted in English Sex Stories

Cuckold wife train journey

Hi I am 32 yr old male from Delhi and my wife is 4 yr younger to me at 28… read more Cuckold wife train journey

indian sex stories sister handjob
Posted in English Sex Stories

First Hand Job By Sister

Hi my name is Ramu this story is about my first hand job by my neighbor sister. Let me start… read more First Hand Job By Sister

indian wife gangbang sex stories
Posted in English Sex Stories

Gang Bang In Front Of Innocent Husband

It was one hour past midnight, and I was sleeping on my bed with my hubby. I was fast asleep,… read more Gang Bang In Front Of Innocent Husband

desi aunty sex stories
Posted in English Sex Stories

Fucking mom’s sister in village

I want to tell a story about my Chinna Amma and also her name is Sarala my name Ravi the… read more Fucking mom’s sister in village

Posted in English Sex Stories

My wife’s sex escapade in bus – Part 2

My wife unzipped his trouser and tried to pull it down his legs , he moved a bit facilitate her… read more My wife’s sex escapade in bus – Part 2

indian sex stories
Posted in English Sex Stories

My wife’s sex escapade in bus – Part 1

This incident happened after about one month of the incident in the train. After the incident in train we had… read more My wife’s sex escapade in bus – Part 1

Posted in English Sex Stories

Fucked servant’s sexy wife

Hi I am Raj and this story is of the days when I was a teenager. I was 18 years… read more Fucked servant’s sexy wife