Fucking my sexy maid

Hi guys, I’d like to narrate the sexiest incident in my life. Hope u guys enjoy it. Before I start let me introduce myself. I am 24 years old and work in a software company in Bangalore. I had this sexy experience when I went to my aunts house last month for a short holiday. She had hired this maid servant recently. She was fair and voluptuous and really delicious looking. I just couldn’t keep my eyes off her and naturally she noticed .She would just smile and look away.

One day I was taking a shower and suddenly remembered that I had forgotten to take a towel. I started calling out for someone to get me one and after sometime hearing a knock on the bathroom door I opened it after placing myself behind it . Sunita, the maid was standing with a towel in her hand. Seeing her turned me on and pretending as if the door had slipped I exposed myself and my rapidly growing erection to her surprised gaze.

She giggled and ran away. I just thought of that mischievous look in her eyes and jerked off under the hot shower. After that whenever I got a chance, I would try and brush past her or make her do small chores for me. Soon I learnt that she had been married only a year back, but her husband had passed away leaving her to fend for herself. Then one day my aunt decided to go to a temple along with a group of elderly ladies leaving me alone with Sunita. Since the temple was far away she would be away for at-least 8-9 hours .

She must have gone for only 10 minutes or so when I decided that I should do something with Sunita. I walked over to the kitchen and started chatting her up. We generally talked about her family in the village and so on. The kitchen was hot and the sweat had soaked her blouse completely. One could see the black bra clearly under her red blouse, even the shape of the nipple was visible slightly. She noticed me giving those glances, but continued with her work. Now her back was turned to me as she bent down to clean the floor and I could see her rounded ass straining against the confines of her tight saree.

Suddenly she looked up into my eyes and asked me what I was looking at. I replied jokingly that since she had seen me nude I was trying to make the scores even. She laughed at this and was walking past me when I caught her round the waist and kissed her neck. She jumped back and slapped me, but I caught her wrist and started kissing her hand and pulled her close. She lifted the other hand but I caught hold of that also and placed it on my lips. Now she was standing close to me and struggling, so I kissed her on the lips. First she struggled but gradually she opened her lips and I sucked her lower lips into my mouth.

She was hot . Soon I had my tongue down her throat as my hands started roaming over her ample backside. She responded by holding my face close to hers. Encouraged by this I picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. The sudden cool air of the AC made her hot nipples stand out behind the wet fabric. I made her stand in front of the mirror while I nibbled on her ear and neck and released her hair. It flowed down to her waist. Gradually I removed her blouse and started fondling her breasts. She was getting excited now and while grinding my erection against her ass, I removed her bra exposing those twin beauties.

I picked her up and threw her into the bed roughly .This seemed to excite her more and removing my t-shirt I fell over her. I ran my tongue over the underside of her breast ,making circles first on one and then the other as I gradually moved towards her nipple. She moaned with anticipation as finally I started sucking on one and then the other. I lifted up her arms and started nibbling at her armpits ..the strong earthy smell was fantastic. Then turning her over I ran the tip of my tongue over her spinal column down to her waist .She sighed with pleasure as I bit her fleshy ass.

Frantic with anticipation she was pulling at her saree, but I caught her hands and tied them together to the headpost. She was really hot and was moaning loudly for release. I leisurely started to kiss her now starting with her face… I licked and sucked every inch of her voluptuous body. When I reached her slightly rounded stomach, I dipped my tongue into her navel and at the same time ran my hand up her thighs to her moist spot. She was hot and dripping. I brought my finger up and tasted her juices and also put it into her mouth. She licked my fingers hungrily and pleaded that I release her hands. But instead I removed her saree and started kissing and biting her thighs over the petticoat till I reached her toes.

She had sexy ankles and soon I started licking and tickling the sole of her feet and sucking her toes. Then hoicking up her petticoat I made my way up, eyes closed and nose inhaling the musky aroma of her womanhood while kissing every part of her shapely thighs. Soon I saw her forest of thick curly hair with moisture seeping out of it. I dived in and started lapping up those juices. I alternately sucked on her clitoris and tongue fucked her canal. She was going crazy and beating my backside with her arched feet.