Hostel first lesbian experience

My name is Sneha. (Name changed) This is my true story, I want share with all u friends. I left my village for my studies, as I got admission in engineering, which is far from my village, I joined in ladies hostel. In hostel I got a room with three beds, so I had to share with two other girls. Out of the two girls, one girl was new like me and another girl was our senior.

I was very tired with the journey and very uncomfortable as it’s a new place. I washed my face and started changing my dress to nightie and I observed that the senior girl Meera was looking very curiously at me and smiling. I fell shy, let me tell I’m a beautiful girl 18 years old fair, 5’6 height, 56kg weight and very big breast that can attract even the girls. 38 size, firm with dark brown nipples and pointed tits, with a good shape.

My belly is round, deep and big. I’m having round beautiful ass. Long legs and good thighs. I removed my salwar kameez and I was wearing only bra, which can’t cover my big boobs and panty. Meera passed a comment “wow you are beautiful”, I received the complement with smile. Like all other collages in India in my collage also there was a ragging problem, around 10 pm at the night, my senior girls came to my room, there are six girls in that batch, they closed the doors.

First they caught the other new girl, who stays in my room and asked about her personal things, and asked to sing, dance etc, after Meera introduced me to the girls. One of the girls asked about my bra size, I fell shy, another girl squeezed my breast and said wow it’s wonderful, and all other girls asked me to take of my nightie. I was helpless and I obey there order, and took off my nightie. I was wearing pink colour bra and panty which was very suitable for my colour.

Meera asked me to take off bra and I refused, but one girl pulled my bra and my boobs came out. One girl pulled my panty and all of them saw my clean shaved pussy, with long lips, “nice cunt” one other girl passed the comment. And they asked how you masturbate, I said I won’t. “tho kiske saat choodwayegi” one other girl asked, I got annoyed and shouted “shut up bitch”, she slap on my face and said “saali tere gand chodhungi” and she took off her cloths.

She was a beautiful girl with 34 size with black nipples, her unshaved pussy was having silky pubic hair and she pushed me on the bed. I was confused, I was unable to understand what’s happening. She started kissing on my lips and I started protesting her.

Meera started squeezing my nipples and she also took off her dress and other girls also became naked. The girl started kissing me deeply with her tongue in my mouth. One girl started sacking my nipple and some others started licking my thighs. My body became so light and I started feeling like flying. That was my first kiss and I cooperated to that girl by opening my mouth, and she got from me.

I was lying on bed naked, all other girls were around me with there naked bodies. I felt so hot and started sweating. One girl smelled my under arms and started licking my right breast and another girl from left. Two girls shared my thighs and one girl started licking my wet pussy.

I wanted to be fucked by someone and I asked the girls to fuck. They took the promise that I will keep open my wet pussy for them to fuck any time and asked me to choose any of them as it’s my first experience. All of them are beautiful, but I choose Pooja. She was really a rare beauty, fair long dark hair, 5.5″ height 36 size perfect breast with brown nipple, deep belly and sweet horny cunt, with light silky hair.

All others appreciated my selection and asked me to open my legs so that they can lick my pussy for that day. After squeezing my breast and ass, every one gave a kiss to me and they took the new girl to lick there pussy’s.

Pooja, Meera and me left alone in the room, Meera said she is my bitch and I can do anything with her and she is going to sleep with me in the room. First time I kissed Pooja on her lips, it was really very sweet, her boobs were very firm and I bite the nipples. Meera started licking my ass and pooja with the dick (dildo) fucked my pussy with very fast jerks. That was my first experience.