Stroked chachi’s pussy

Hi every one. I m Suman. Age 22, height 6ft and dick 8 inches. I m here to tell u a real story of my life. It all started when I was in 12th. My chacha was newly married & my chachi was looking like goddess of sex. I was finding the way to fuck her. 3 yrs passed, till then i hadn’t got the chance to fuck her. I was heavily masturbating thinking of her .

One day she was changing in her room and I entered her room without knocking (that I do every time). Ooohhh… my god, my goddess was standing naked in-front of me. 34-24-36 that was her figure. I wanted to fuck her just right there, but of shame she ran away and cover her self with curtain. I felt embarrassed and left that place. After that I masturbated double than ever.

Another day I went to talk to her . I said “sorry, I hadn’t knocked the door and made that fault. I’m feeling guilty of it”. She replied, “me too, bcoz I hadn’t locked up the door.” I was thinking her to say some more but she did not. Then I started and said “u have an astonishing fig & I haven’t seen a lady like u “I LOVE U”. She was shocked to listen these words from me & replied “I LOVE U TOO”. Now that time I felt a great shock..! She said “I have seen u masturbating holding my dirty panty in the bathroom through keyhole. You have a very long dick. Your uncle is weak in bed. I need it in Deepu”. I said “its my pleasure..!!”

That night we were alone because other people had gone to a relative’s daughter’s marriage in another city. But she didn’t went, because she had some function in her school where she was teaching. That was the night of fire. At 9:00 pm I knocked her door, she opened the door and I was amazed to see her. She was wearing a transparent night gown without bra on the top. I got inside & she closed the door. I pulled her towards me. She said just wait baby, don’t get so excited, tonight I’m all yours… I said I’m waiting since 3 yrs, but can’t wait today and smashed her to the bed & i jump on her.

She asked “whether you are raping me?” I said “as u wish my goddess of sex” & locked my lips on her. That was so delicious dish in my life. After 20 min of kissing I started undressing her. I took her gown out & there she was in her panty. I started kissing her all around on her cheeks, lips, forehead, ear, neck & finally her breasts. I was sucking it to hard & she was moaning “aaaahhhh….. uuuuuhhhh…… mmmmmm……. yyyaaaaaa ….. mmmmm…. ooohhhhh….” and I was sucking her boobs very hard even though it didn’t had any milk in it.

Then she said “ooohhhh….. fuck me… fuck me…. fuck me u bastard…” But this time I didn’t follow her. I put her panty off, which was wet & started licking her pussy juice. Her moan was going louder n louder. I started tongue fucking her. I divided her clits & went to deep in her vagina. Then she started crying and beg me “ooh… plz fuck me…” I said “suck my dick, bitch, then I will fuck you”. She said ok and took my dick in her hand and started to suck it too heavily. oohh… my god my dick got red hot.

She said “please fuck me now”. I kept a pillow under her back & put my dick on her vagina and stroked her she shouted in pain and said “it’s too thick, I can’t take it any more”. I said “shut up bitch, you whore… I will fuck you too hard” and in another stroke my half dick went inside. Now she shouted too louder and I locked my lips into her and stroked again. My whole dick went inside. With massaging her nipples, I stated stroking her gently. After some time she got relaxed and accompanied me by jumping her ass. After 30 min of great fuck, I was about to cum and without telling her I busted all my cum in her pussy..!

She said, “you came a lot inside..” I said “sorry”. She replied with smile, “its ok”. She then started licking my dick and made it hard again and said “fuck me again”. I said “I wanna fuck your ass”. In shock she said “what? But I’m a virgin in ass”. I replied “That’s great..! I’ll lose your virginity today.. Its the right time.” I pulled her towards me and planted a long kiss on her lips by rubbing her pussy.

Then I made bend in doggy style and placed my dick on her ass and stroked her with full force. She shouted in pain and blood came out of her ass as my whole dick was inside in one stroke. Now I started gently to stroke her & her shout turned into soft moans. Now I increased my speed, after some time I was on climax and bust all in her ass. We fell on the bed and slept in that position till morning.

After that, we had many sessions whenever we had chance. But this is the memorable one. Because first is always best..!